I was really pleased with my final piece, and my progress in this project. As it was my first project in knit I was quite worried at first that I was going to be behind. I found it quite overwhelming learning a whole new specialism, and little things such as choosing yarn, dyeing it, etc. However, I now feel a lot mroe confident with this, and moving forward I really aim to push myself and use materials and techniques that I haven't before. I am excited about the new project and already have some ideas in regards to techniques. My next step is to conquer the industrial machines which I am still quite nervous about. Over the Xmas holidays I aim to set up my own machine with the ribber, so I can fully grasp how the machine works once it is transferred to a double bed. Once I have become comfortable with this, the only difference is simply how the industrial machines work.
I had good feedback from this project, and the only piece of criticism was that the samples were a lot more playful than the final piece, which I agree. The tutors liked the free a-symmetrical style of my initial collaged fashion designs, and perhaps the final piece is a little bit too constructed/planned.
In my next set of samples I'd love to work with entirely different yarns - some that are quite irridescent, shiny, sparkly. Also colours that are more pastel like, a hot pink, mustard yellow, violet, grass green, grey/green. I'd love to incorporate unusual materials such as leather applique, scoubidous, painted sticks/fimo, leather strips, beaded macrame.
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